It was fun to make! This is how:
- Cut out the fabric according to the diagram. (Except the button shape! That literally means a button. Just a reminder...)
- Onto one of the body pieces, sew the feet and eye whites. Embroider the mouth. Skip the buttons for now, we'll get to that later!
- Make the legs. Take a right leg piece and a left leg piece and make the right sides face each other. Sew them together, and then flip it back to right side out. Repeat so you have two legs. Lightly stuff and close them both.
- Take both of the body pieces and put them right sides together. Position the legs where you want them. Make sure the rectangles on the legs are, from your current point of view, facing out. Close up the sides (where you should have the legs!) and the bottom, but not the top!
- Flip back to right side out.
- Sew the buttons onto the eye whites.
- Stuff the froggie and close it up.
- Enjoy!
See you next time!